Senior fitness and exercise: Tips for frail or chair-bound seniors

Chair-bound Fitness: So much is possible!
Strength: Use free weights (otherwise known as “dumbbells”) to do repetitive sets of lifting. Don’t have weights? Use anything that is weighted and fits in your hand, like soup cans.
Resistance: Resistance bands are like giant rubber bands designed to give your muscles a good workout when stretched and pulled. Resistance bands can be attached to furniture, a doorknob, or even your chair. Use these for pull-downs, shoulder rotations, and arm and leg-extensions.
Flexibility: By practicing mindful breathing and slowly stretching, bending, and twisting, you can limber up and improve your range of motion. Some of these exercises can also be done lying down! Ask your doctor or search online for chair-yoga possibilities.
Endurance: Check out pool-therapy programs designed for wheelchair bound seniors. Also, wheelchair-training machines make arm-bicycling and rowing possible. If you lack access to special machines or pools, repetitive movements (like rapid leg lifts or sitting pushups) work just as well to raise your heart rate. Your doctor will have more ideas.
Talk to your doctor or physical therapist for about chair bound exercise programs. The Internet is a valuable resource for more fitness ideas.
Tips for getting more active—and liking it
If you dread working out, it’s time for a mental makeover. Consider physical activity part of a lifestyle instead of a bothersome task to check off your “to do” list. There are plenty of ways for seniors to make exercise a pleasurable part of everyday life—here are just a few.
Choose activities and exercises you enjoy
Think about activities that you enjoy and how you can incorporate them into an exercise routine.
Listen to music while lifting weights
Window shop while walking laps at the mall
Get competitive while playing tennis
Take photographs on a nature hike
Meet new people at a yoga class
Watch a favorite movie while on the treadmill
Chat with a friend while walking, stretching, or strength training
Find easy ways to add more physical activity to your day
If you’ve caught the workout bug and you want to find more ways to be active, the following tips are for you.
Active on the go: Always choose stairs over the elevator, park at the far end of the parking lot when arriving at appointments and meetings, walk down every isle of the grocery store while shopping, practice balancing skills while standing in line, do neck rolls while waiting at a stoplight.
Active at home: Do a set of wall pushups while waiting for water to boil, vigorously vacuum, tend to the garden, sweep the sidewalk, rake leaves, lift weights while watching the news, try toe-raises while talking on the phone, do knee bends after sitting for a long period of time.
Focus on the benefits in your daily life
The most rewarding part of beginning a fitness routine is noticing the difference it makes in the rest of your life. Even if you begin exercising with a few simple stretches while seated or a short walk around the block, you’ll notice an improvement in how you feel as you go about your day.
House cleaning, gardening, shopping, and errands. Want to feel less winded while vacuuming or rushing to and from appointments? Doing just 15 to 20 minutes of heart-healthy cardio each day, such as walking, biking, swimming, or water aerobics will help give you the stamina you need.
Lifting grandchildren, carrying groceries, household chores. Building muscle mass a few times each week through weight lifting, resistance exercises, and nautilus machines will help give you more strength.
Tying shoes, looking behind you while driving, navigating steps. Incorporating basic stretching—even while seated—to your fitness routine will make the most ordinary movements easier. Try yoga, Pilates, Tai Chi, or Qi Gong to limber up.
Exercise doesn’t have to break the bank
A senior fitness program does not depend on costly gym memberships and fancy exercise equipment. Like the best things in life, staying fit can be completely free. Work out the wallet-friendly way:
Do neck rolls and light stretching while watching TV
No weights? Use soup cans
Rent exercise videos from the library
Mow the lawn, rake leaves, and weed
Climb stairs
Enjoy a walk in a new park or neighborhood